Monday, February 1, 2010


If you have traveled on a plane recently you have most likely flipped through the seatback to find the Skymall catalogue and seen inside, among many things a person will never truly need, framed pictures for sale called "Successories". These include sayings about words we should all want to apply in our lives such as; honor, integrity, leadership, skill, teamwork, perseverance, fortitude, motivation, success, or ambition. It struck me as I read this, what if while trying to apply these one is pointed in the wrong direction? It does not matter how much of the above one posesses, the end result could be disastrous. The mental picture I formed was of a basejumper motivated, working with others, strong and detrmined running to jump off a cliff without a parachute. I could just hear him say running with arms stretched out forward in the superman position "I am determined, I will fly!" However, in this moment, though the skill is there the edge of the cliff is the wrong direction. On those days where we feel as though we are in a freefall, perhaps we need to take a moment and make sure we are adequately prepared for that which we are undertaking, and see that we are oriented in the right direction. I know I need to take into account my skill, desire, abilities, along with preparation and then double check the direction to ensure a good flight and a great landing.

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